

  • Americans helped us stop the road to Wreck Beach in 1985 by an outpouring of letters and postcards supporting our objections to a road to or along the beach.
  • They came to our defence again in 2005-2006 when they contributed over $12,000 toward our Save Wreck Beach fund to pay for legal counsel to force UBC to lower and push back the UBC Marine Towers and what a battle that was with our also gathering over 50,000 petition signatures of support from around the world.
  • What goes around comes around and heaven knows when we will need our neighbours to the South to help us again.
  • You need to know that NAC has also just this summer committed to a legal retainer fund if we need it in any future battle with those who would try to develop our beloved beach, so, please, take the time to send that all important e-mail before September 6, 2010.
Judy Williams, International NAC Board member.

See NAC Action Alert.pdf - re Fire Island HERE