Contact Us

Mailing Address

Wreck Beach Preservation Society (WBPS)
c/o 28616 Haverman Road
Bradner, BC, V4X 2P3

Judy Williams, Chair Person

Home/Fax: 604-856-9598
Cell: 604-308-6336
(cell cannot be reached if at home so try home number)
For information on how to participate in the Wreck Beach Preservation Society, events scheduled for Wreck Beach, or our nude-only swims, contact Judy Williams.

Bare Buns Run/Walk Registrar

Contact: Dena Ellery
Phone/Fax: 604-876-3909
Mail: 647 Prior Street, Vancouver, BC, V6A 2G7, CANADA

For information on how to participate in the annual Wreck Beach Bare Buns Run / Walk click here.

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