Wreck Beach

Official Website of Wreck Beach Preservation Society!

Contact to Wreck Beach Preservetion Society!

Thank you for visiting our website.
Please feel free to leave comments or ask any question about Wreck Beach or W.B.P.S. by using contact form below or phone call.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Wreck Beach day 2016
Take your clothes off, be natural, respect others!

Contact Us!

* Are you human?

Other Enquiries

GVRD : 604 224 5739
(Park Bylaws, Lost & found) Website >>

RCMP : 604 224 1322
or 911 for emergency Website >>

W.B.P.S. (Wreck Beach Preservation Society) :
Chair, Judy Williams: 604 308 6336

★ Note to Callers Wanting Information ★

Please, as a common courtesy, at least identify yourself by
first name.

Also, if you are from out of town, Judy can better address your questions, especially if you have never been to the beach before.

Thank you so much.